
Welcome you to the website of Mrs.Kiatazabu.

Thank you for choosing our website to discover a key and inescapable figure of the Congolese public life, whose greatness is forged upon her experience through the turbulence the Democratic Republic of Congo has suffered from the early stage of its independence.
This site is a place for information on the development of Mrs.Marie-Rose, her public and family life as well as her relationships.
The site also is theright place to learn the true story of our country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as that of a man who remains forever, unlessotherwise proven, the Father of the independence of the Congo,His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu.

Having spent much of our time beside her and, after many years of thoughtful, we are able to date, to present Mrs. Kiatazabu, born Marie-Rose Kasavubu Kukana, the eldest daughter of His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu, First President and father of the independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
A woman with iron will, Marie-Rose Kasavubu inherited from late President Kasavubu all the attributes that make her a Congolese political woman, second to none as it stands in this country. From her numerous qualities, the integrity (in all senses), the love of her country , the sense of the common good and honour come ahead of countless virtues Marie-Rose possesses. Though the list would not be exhaustive.
Marie-Rose watched the events of January 4, 1959. Events that have made in the history of our country, as they compelled and condemned, less than a year later, the colonisation tale to stop its ineffable way and come to its end.
This Sunday, Jan 4, 1959, Marie-Rose, then a teenager, contemplated the courage and selflessness of a wounded people which, at the cost of supreme sacrifices, faced the fury and terror of Belgian Colons. She discovered the bravery of a group of people determined to fight and who refused to back away from the murderous power, in order to recover the Independence of the entire Nation.
Marie-Rose silently observed the action of her illustrious father, Joseph Kasavubu, who commanded the “Alliance des Bakongo” (ABAKO in short), and led operations with resolution and obstinacy, until the final victory. Upon these fighting, the Democratic Republic of Congo, dear to Joseph Kasavubu, finally became a free, independent and sovereign in June 30, 1960!

The young Marie-Rose was forged by the artifices of these glitches. Her character was born, she was the daughter of her father, who would in turn become the woman of integrity, the fighter of freedom and unconditional lover of the Congo and, for which she is committed to fight over her life. Her fight is to honour the memory of all those who, under her eyes, felled sword in hand, and whose blood quenches ever now the freed soil of our country.
Marie-Rose also battles to bequeath to future generations a truly free and united country, along with worthy and common values that need to be shared by people who are condemned to a common destiny.
The future of Marie-Rose did not fall anywhere else but at the frontline of the political tussle for the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is where she has been since.
Inevitably, the fate of Mrs.Marie-Rose would surprise no supercilious observer, who now happily discovers a woman of State, a politician as there is rarely in our country.

To complete the picture, Marie-Rosehas a family and social life. On the family side, Marie-Rose is a sister and a mother, a happily married woman, addicted to the welfare of each of her childrento whom she was able to pass on her gentleness and kindness, in addition to being a wife fulfilled and cheerful. Marie-Rose in society has a network of countless friends and confidants all together, like no other.
It is a huge chance to have her as a friend, as she is engaging, compassionate and good-natured. Marie-Rose loves passionately, and she knows how to forgive.