


Welcome you to the website of Mrs.Kiatazabu.

Thank you for choosing our website to discover a key and inescapable figure of the Congolese public life, whose greatness is forged upon her experience through the turbulence the Democratic Republic of Congo has suffered from the early stage of its independence.
This site is a place for information on the development of Mrs.Marie-Rose, her public and family life as well as her relationships.
The site also is theright place to learn the true story of our country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as that of a man who remains forever, unlessotherwise proven, the Father of the independence of the Congo, His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu.


Having spent much of our time beside her and, after many years of thoughtful, we are able to date, to present Mrs. Kiatazabu, born Marie-Rose Kasavubu Kukana, the eldest daughter of His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu, First President and father of the independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
A woman with iron will, Marie-Rose Kasavubu inherited from late President Kasavubu all the attributes that make her a Congolese political woman, second to none as it stands in this country. From her numerous qualities, the integrity (in all senses), the love of her country , the sense of the common good and honour come ahead of countless virtues Marie-Rose possesses. Though the list would not be exhaustive.
Marie-Rose watched the events of January 4, 1959. Events that have made in the history of our country, as they compelled and condemned, less than a year later, the colonisation tale to stop its ineffable way and come to its end.
This Sunday, Jan 4, 1959, Marie-Rose, then a teenager, contemplated the courage and selflessness of a wounded people which, at the cost of supreme sacrifices, faced the fury and terror of Belgian Colons. She discovered the bravery of a group of people determined to fight and who refused to back away from the murderous power, in order to recover the Independence of the entire Nation.
Marie-Rose silently observed the action of her illustrious father, Joseph Kasavubu, who commanded the “Alliance des Bakongo” (ABAKO in short), and led operations with resolution and obstinacy, until the final victory. Upon these fighting, the Democratic Republic of Congo, dear to Joseph Kasavubu, finally became a free, independent and sovereign in June 30, 1960!

The young Marie-Rose was forged by the artifices of these glitches. Her character was born, she was the daughter of her father, who would in turn become the woman of integrity, the fighter of freedom and unconditional lover of the Congo and, for which she is committed to fight over her life. Her fight is to honour the memory of all those who, under her eyes, felled sword in hand, and whose blood quenches ever now the freed soil of our country.
Marie-Rose also battles to bequeath to future generations a truly free and united country, along with worthy and common values that need to be shared by people who are condemned to a common destiny.
The future of Marie-Rose did not fall anywhere else but at the frontline of the political tussle for the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is where she has been since.
Inevitably, the fate of Mrs.Marie-Rose would surprise no supercilious observer, who now happily discovers a woman of State, a politician as there is rarely in our country.

To complete the picture, Marie-Rosehas a family and social life. On the family side, Marie-Rose is a sister and a mother, a happily married woman, addicted to the welfare of each of her childrento whom she was able to pass on her gentleness and kindness, in addition to being a wife fulfilled and cheerful. Marie-Rose in society has a network of countless friends and confidants all together, like no other.
It is a huge chance to have her as a friend, as she is engaging, compassionate and good-natured. Marie-Rose loves passionately, and she knows how to forgive.

Marie-Rose Kasavubu: a well-established politician

As mentioned above, she owes her political credentials to her Father who, from the time he became President of the Republic amid country’s accession to international sovereignty, did not hesitate to rely on her oldest daughter. She assumed, when necessary, the functions of the Executive Secretary with the brand new Congolese Head of State. During his experience beside the President of the Republic, Marie-Rose took part in many official missions.The most telling remains her involvement with the Congolese delegation to the Conference of African Unity at the 4th Summit of Heads of State in Accra, Ghana, in 1965. Mrs.Marie-Rose Kasavubu has sharpened her political argument by attending hearings as provided for by the Head of States, Political Leaders, military and traditional, as well as all kinds of mark guestsof the Presidency of the Republic.
Shelived the 24 November 1965coup. It was she who courageously reported to her parents the news on conspiracy mounted and orchestrated by Mobutu and the Military High Command followed by the announcement through the national radio of the dismissal of the Head of State, her own Father!
On March 24, 1969, fate struck dramatically the Kasavubu family. His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu has left us as he passed away. WithCourage which she was now known, Marie-Rosegot actively involved in the funeral and the burial of her darlingDad, alongsidepolitical authorities and in the absence of the acting President of the Republic, Mobutu Sese Seko who was on a trip to Germany. Thus, Marie-Rose Kasavubu witnessed the burial of the First President of the Democratic Republic in the land of his ancestors in the village of Singini,the Tshela territory in Bas –Congo.

Despite the pain, Marie-Rose has risen her head with stoicism, and opened another page of her journey so as to walk again and again up to the front. Thus:

  • She enters the administration of the territory where she remained from 20 July 1972 to 29 October 1977. During this period, she assumes in turn, the responsibilities of the Mayor of the council of Gombe, Masina and Limete.
  • In 1977 she is elected councilor of Limete County, however, she is compelled to abandon this function as to abide to the rule which prevented public servants from amalgamating two or more public mandates.
  • In 1977 she was elected National Deputy of Kinshasa Funaand President of the Parliamentary Group for the Environment.
  • She is then elected to the Bureau of the National Assembly and carries the functions of the second parliamentary secretary between 1977 and 1982.
  • She attended the public meeting marking the withdrawal of 13 parliamentarians, prelude to the unprecedented appearance of opposition to one-party power of the 2nd Republic of Mobutu.
  • Appointed Member of the Central Committee of the Popular Movement of the Revolution (MPR) in 1980, she served two consecutive terms of five years each, until 1990.
  • Amid a call from the party leader, she is at the scene in N’Sele (suburb of Kinshasa), where Mobutu delivered the famous speech of 24 April 1990, during which he announced the end of the State Party and the advent of multiparty that should lead to the 3rd Republic. It is followed by a long transition!

It is also she who in 1996, on the death of hermother, fully organised the funeral thereof. And hermother,Mrs. Hortense Kasavubu, born Ngoma Masunda, wife of President Joseph Kasavubu, rests eternally in the territory of Kangu Lukula Mayombe in Bas-Congo, land of her ancestors .
In 1998, Marie-Rose Kasavubu has expressed the importance she attaches to the honour and pride of place she reserves for her parents, in posing at the private cemetery of Mbata Pepe, a GRANITE-Made tombstone.
With an innate sense of responsibility, Marie-Rose took to grips with the direction of the family business at the disappearance of her parents. She operates with agility and punctilious manner the residence of his late father, President Joseph Kasavubu.

In the same vein, since the 25th anniversary of the death of her father, she has brought the organisation of annual Masses of thanksgiving in memory of herparents, long and unjustly ignored. One important thing to note is that these masses are all organised by her own financial resources for the 13 years they occur.
One of the fruits to make the assets of the masses is that they have attracted the attention of the current Head of State, President Joseph Kabila, who subsequently decided to build a mausoleum (helically). The mausoleum is the pride of our people who finally see justice done to this dear son, honoured by the youngest of his successors at the head of the Congolese State.
In the wake of this dynamics, two monuments will be erected in memory of President Joseph Kasavubu, one in Kinshasa and the second in Boma, place of death of the former Head of State.
Marie-Rose perpetuated the memory of her illustrious parents, through the thousands of magazines and print campaigns to their effigies, as to keep them alive in the collective memory, to the chagrin of the political actors in bad faith who have not believed the perseverance and courage of Marie-Rose.
The impetusof Marie-Rose, the engine of her action, her fighting spirit and success that accompanied each of her actions, she owes them to his “totem”: The values ​​she secured from her illustrious father. This is why, like her father, ‘she says what she does and she does what she says’. Whatever she organises, she accomplished themwith thoroughness and perfectionism. Ever, of Man memory, you will remember a project undertaken by Marie-Rose and has been unsuccessful. She is a winner, that’s it!

The Marie-Rose’s Address Book

At everylevels,Marie-Rose accounts relationships nationally and internationally.

Before the independence of Congo
We can cite the following personalities:

  • His Excellency Abbé Fulbert YOULOU, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville
  • Mr Tchitchele, Minister of the Government of Congo Brazzaville
  • Honorable Yambault , Member of Parliament of Congo Brazzaville.
  • Professor Antoine Joseph A. Van Bilsen, Political Advisor to the President Kasavubu. (Professor Van Bilsen is the author of many books including: ” TO THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE CONGO AND RWANDA URUDI published in 1958, and the project” THIRTY YEARS PLAN FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INDEPENDENT STATE OF BELGIAN CONGO- ” and he was the guardian of Marie-Rose Kasavubu during her brief stay in Belgium).
  • Father Ekwa, spiritual father of Marie-Rose during her studies at the Institute Berlaymont in Brussels.

During the First Republic 1960-1965
At this time , Marie-Rose builtclosest and friendly relations with many personalities including:

  • Mr Justin Marie Bomboko, Minister of Foreign Affairs and his wife, Suzanne , 1960-1963.
  • Mr Hubert Sangara, HighTraditional Chief of Muavu in the Province of Kivu and, President of “Air-Congo” and “SABENA”, 1961.
  • Mr Joseph ILIEO Songo Amba, Prime Minister and his wife, Ms. Elissa Mbongo 1961.
  • Mr Cyril Adoula, Prime Minister and his wife, Mrs. Astrid, 1961-1964.
  • Colonel Joseph Désiré Mobutu, Chief of General Staff and Commander of the Congolese National Army (ANC) and his wife, Marie -Antoinette Gbiatene 1962.
  • Mr Marcel Lengema, Secretary General of Foreign Affairs in 1963.
  • His Excellency Massamba Deba, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville, 1963.
  • Mr Moise Tchombe, Prime Minister from 1964 to 1965.

Mr Foster Manzikala, Governor of Kibali Ituri, 1964-1967.
Mr Godefroid Munongo, Minister in charge of the interior, 1964-1965.
Mr Cleophas Kamitatu, Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1965.
Mr Alphonse Zamundu, Minister for Agriculture, 1965 -1966.

  • Mr Diallo Telli, Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).
  • His Excellency Kuame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of Ghana, 1965.

During the Second Republic 1965-1996 (Republic of Zaire)

  • Mr Litho Moboti Minister for agriculture.
  • Mr Kengo Wa Dondo, Attorney General of the Republic.
  • His Excellency Ngouabi Marien, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville. (Marie-Rose had the privilege of welcoming the river port “Beach Ngobila “Kinshasa).
  • His Excellency Omar Bongo, President of the Republic of Gabon official visit to Kinshasa.
  • His Excellency Ahmed Sekou Toure, President of the Republic of Guinea Conakry. (Marie-Rose had the privilege of welcoming the river port “Beach Ngobila “Kinshasa).
  • His Excellency Antonio Agostinho Neto , President of the Republic of Angola ( during his official visit to Kinshasa)
  • His Excellency Kenneth Kaunda, President of the Republic of Zambia ( during his official visit to Kinshasa)
  • His Excellency Amadou Ahidjo , President of the Republic of Cameroon ( during his official visit to Kinshasa)
  • His Excellency Valery Giscard d’Estaing, President of the French Republic and Mrs. ( met at the Town Hall with the Governor N’Djoku Eyo Baba and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Nguz A Karl I Bond) .
  • Mr Leo Tindemans, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium (hosted at the Town Hall with the Governor N’djoku Eyo Baba and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguz A Karl I Bond).
  • Jean Bedel Bokassa Emperor of the Central African Republic. (Marie-Rose was responsible for its hospitality during his official visit to Zaire on the occasion of inaugurating the assembly line at the Chevrolet plant in Kinshasa (Masina). Mrs.Marie-Rose was at that time the Mayor of Masina).

In October 1978, on the funeral of the wife of President Mobutu , the late Marie-Antoinette Mobutu Gbiatene,Marie-Rosein Gbadolite, was the Lady of honour and company for the following famous personalities including:

  • Ladies Senghor of Senegal and Yombi Opango of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville and Princess Paola of the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • His Excellency William Tolbert, President of Liberia; (Marie-Rose met him at the Mansion Building in Liberia, Monrovia 1978).
  • Mr Abee Tolbert, son of the President of Liberia visit to Zaire. (Marie-Rose was responsible for his home), 1978.
  • Marie-Rose headed the two parliamentary delegations she led to the 33rd and 34th Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, respectively in 1978 and 1979. (She did this in her capacity as the 2nd Secretary of Zairean Parliament).
  • His Excellency Gnassingbe Eyadema, President of the Republic of Togo (during his official visits to Kinshasa, Gemena and Gbadolite 1979).
  • His Excellency Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville and his wife, Mrs. Antoinette Sassou Nguesso (during their goodwill visit to Zaire in 1979).
  • His Excellency Fidel Castro, President of Cuba. (Marie-Rose is part of the official delegation participating in Havana 6th Summit of Heads of State to the Conference of Non- Aligned Countries, delegation led by Mr. ILEO Songo Amba, President of the National Assembly. On the sidelines of the summit Marie-Rose has the privilege to meet the Cuban Head of State, who came personally welcome them at the airport in Havana), 1979.
  • His Excellency Arap Moi, President of the Republic of Kenya. (They met at the Presidential Palace in Nairobi, where she stayed in official delegation 1980).
  • The first Minister Indira Gandhi (during the official visit to India, in New Delhi, in 1980).
  • The Prime Minister Chou En Lai, (during her official visit to China, in Beijing, in 1980).
  • His Excellency Deng Xiao Ping, President of the People’s Republic of China. (Marie-Rose is in the presidential suite during the official visit to China in 1980).
  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II (in his first official visits to Kinshasa in 1980).
  • His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal (She met him at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa 1982).
  • Ms. Bobi Ladawa, wife of President Mobutu (She met at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa in 1982).
  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II (in his second official visits to Kinshasa in 1985).
  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II (on a private visit, in Vatican City, 1989).
  • Mrs. Edith Bongo, wife of President Omar Bongo of Gabon (The meeting took place in Libreville, palace renovation in 1991).
  • Mrs. Oliver Thambo, wife of the founder of the African National Congress ANC (The two characters meet in Johannesburg in 1992).
  • Mr Paul Mees Chancellor in the Belgian Embassy in Kinshasa (Kinshasa, She meets him in 1992).

Marie-Rose and her mother, Mrs. Hortense Kasavubu, were invited by the Congolese Government at the National “Sovereign Conference ” which took place at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa in 1992. Marie-Rose appeared at the conference just to deliver the message her mother, Mrs. Hortense Kasavubu who was invited there for the duration of the conference, the HCR- PT.

During the Third Republic in our Days (Passing through the transition, 1997)

This time, we notice numerous activities and actions undertaken by Marie-Rose, including:
The launch of the website in 1999.
The creation on 24th March 1999 of the non-profit association called “WORKS OF PRESIDENT Kasavubu” (OPK), the first vision being to sustain the action of President Kasavubu. The OPK realises its vision, undertakes printing wrappers (wax), calendars, t -shirts, previews and banners with effigy of President Kasavubu.
The meeting in 2002 with His Excellency Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Head of State.
In 2003, she became National MP at the time of the Transitional Government. At the same time, she is designated President of the Parliamentary Group for the Family Policy of the Head of State for the province of Bas- Congo.

The founding on 04th June 2005 of his political party “Organization Policy and Allied Kasavubistes” Opeka in short.
In 2006, Marie-Rose was parliamentary candidate in Kinshasa on behalf of the Alliance for the Presidential Majority (AMP), in councils of Bandalungwa , Bumbu , Kalamu , Kasavubu , Makala , Ngiri – ngiri and Selembao .
Under the recommendation of Traditional Chiefs of the Bas-fleuve, Marie-Rose ran for election in 2011.
She has recently been invited to the sitting of the National Consultations requested by the Head of State and held in Kinshasa in 2013.
Marie-Rose had to work with various officials and decision-makers of our country, in almost all institutions. We cite the case of Governors of Kinshasa, respectively, under the direction of Mr N’djoku Eyo Baba and Mr Dominique Sakombi Inongo.
In parliament, she had no harm to collaborate with the respective presidents, namely Mr Boboliko Lokonga, Mr Ileo Songo Amba and Mr Nzondomio Adokpe Lingo.

The government with the Ministers of Home Affairs and policies:

Mr Bulundwe Kitongo Penge Mali, Mr Engulu Banga Mpongo and Mr Kithima Bin Ramazani.

Spiritual commitment

Practicing Catholic and fervent, Marie-Rose is an assiduously faithful. As a result, shehas enticed the attention and admiration of the religious leaders of all stripes as follow:
She was very tuned by the late Cardinal Archbishop of Kinshasa, Etsaou Bamonguabi as well as the whole Catholic clergy.
Mr Joseph Diangienda Kuntima (Spiritual Head of the Church Kimbanguist and personal friend of President Joseph Kasavubu for spiritual warfare on the edge of independence) , lent her during his lifetime, a listening ear, not to mention Mr Kisolokele Charles, the eldest son of Prophet Kimbangu and State Minister in the First Republic from 1960 to 1965.
This explains why, in October 1980, Mr Joseph Diangienda Kuntima, personally invited Mrs.Marie-Rose Kasavubu at the inauguration of the Holy City ofNkamba.
Marie-Rose has been invited by Mr Simon Kimbangu Kiangani as a Special Guest, amid the celebrations of the Prophet Kimbangu’s birthday.
Philanthropist, and activist for good causes, Marie-Rose is a discreet benefactor for charitable donor centers. “She gives with right hand without the left hand noticing!”

What we retain from President Kasavubu

“The Man of January 4, 1959,” as we like to remember, is the Father of the independence of our country and our first President.
His Excellency, the late Joseph Kasavubu has left a legacy of more copies, if not unique in African politics. Disinterested in the property, the man showed by deeds, the separationhe made between the property of the State and his own.
Honest man in all his ways, his selflessness and dedication to the cause of the country are summarised in this sentence he wrote to one of the leaders of the drafting of the Basic Law of the Democratic Republic of Congo, we quote: ” make a Constitution for the country, not a Constitution for President because I am the” President ” but the Republic will continue to eternity!” This is a full of meaning sentence he addressed to MrIleo Songo Amba ‘, then commissioned to write the Constitution of Luluabourg and who had the intention to introduce in the budget provisions that would make the President of the Republic “favours” outside his official emoluments .

To Conclude

If the President Kasavubu could finish transmitting to offspring that we represent, the deposit resources that overflowed its heart, the Democratic Republic of Congo would not be reduced to this day, to fight “anti-values ​​!”
Congolese may have sawed off the branch on which they were sitting. However, the trunk of the tree “Kasavubu” remains and it has budded!
Marie-Rose Kasavubu is this bud that replicates the branch that was unconsciously cut.
Through Marie-Rose, Kasavuburemains ever alive, and the Congo can count on her.
“The President is dead, long live the President!”

Marie-Rose Kasavubu, the story of an outstanding woman.


Thank you for choosing our website to discover a key and inescapable figure of the Congolese public life, whose greatness is forged upon her experience through the turbulence the Democratic Republic of Congo has suffered from the early stage of its independence.
This site is a place for information on the development of Mrs Marie-Rose, her public and family life as well as her relationships.
The site also is the right place to learn the true story of our country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as that of a man who remains forever, unlessotherwise proven, the Father of the independence of the Congo, His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu.


Having spent much of our time beside her and, after many years of thoughtful, we are able to date, to present Mrs. Kiatazabu, born Marie-Rose Kasavubu Kukana, the eldest daughter of His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu, First President and father of the independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
A woman with iron will, Marie-Rose Kasavubu inherited from late President Kasavubu all the attributes that make her a Congolese political woman, second to none as it stands in this country. From her numerous qualities, the integrity (in all senses), the love of her country , the sense of the common good and honour come ahead of countless virtues Marie-Rose possesses. Though the list would not be exhaustive.
Marie-Rose watched the events of January 4th 1959. Events that have made in the history of our country, as they compelled and condemned, less than a year later, the colonisation tale to stop its ineffable way and come to its end.
This Sunday, Jan 4th 1959, Marie-Rose, then a teenager, contemplated the courage and selflessness of a wounded people which, at the cost of supreme sacrifices, faced the fury and terror of Belgian Colons. She discovered the bravery of a group of people determined to fight and who refused to back away from the murderous power, in order to recover the Independence of the entire Nation.
Marie-Rose silently observed the action of her illustrious father, Joseph Kasavubu, who commanded the “Alliance des Bakongo” (ABAKO in short), and led operations with resolution and obstinacy, until the final victory. Upon these fighting, the Democratic Republic of Congo, dear to Joseph Kasavubu, finally became a free, independent and sovereign in June 30th 1960.

The young Marie-Rose was forged by the artifices of these glitches. Her character was born, she was the daughter of her father, who would in turn become the woman of integrity, the fighter of freedom and unconditional lover of the Congo and, for which she is committed to fight over her life. Her fight is to honour the memory of all those who, under her eyes, felled sword in hand, and whose blood quenches ever now the freed soil of our country.
Marie-Rose also battles to bequeath to future generations a truly free and united country, along with worthy and common values that need to be shared by people who are condemned to a common destiny.
The future of Marie-Rose did not fall anywhere else but at the frontline of the political tussle for the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is where she has been since.
Inevitably, the fate of Mrs Marie-Rose would surprise no supercilious observer, who now happily discovers a woman of State, a politician as there is rarely in our country.

To complete the picture, Marie-Rose has a family and social life. On the family side, Marie-Rose is a sister and a mother, a happily married woman, addicted to the welfare of each of her children to whom she was able to pass on her gentleness and kindness, in addition to being a wife fulfilled and cheerful. Marie-Rose in society has a network of countless friends and confidants all together, like no other.
It is a huge chance to have her as a friend, as she is engaging, compassionate and good-natured. Marie-Rose loves passionately, and she knows how to forgive.

Marie-Rose Kasavubu: a well-established politician

As mentioned above, she owes her political credentials to her Father who, from the time he became President of the Republic amid country’s accession to international sovereignty, did not hesitate to rely on her oldest daughter. She assumed, when necessary, the functions of the Executive Secretary with the brand new Congolese Head of State. During her experience beside the President of the Republic, Marie-Rose took part in many official missions.The most telling remains her involvement with the Congolese delegation to the Conference of African Unity at the 4th Summit of Heads of State in Accra, Ghana, in 1965. Mrs Marie-Rose Kasavubu has sharpened her political argument by attending hearings as provided for by the Head of States, Political Leaders, military and traditional, as well as all kinds of mark guestsof the Presidency of the Republic.
She lived the 24th November 1965 coup. It was she who courageously reported to her parents the news on conspiracy mounted and orchestrated by Mobutu and the Military High Command followed by the announcement through the national radio of the dismissal of the Head of State, her own Father!
On March 24th 1969, fate struck dramatically the Kasavubu family. His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu has left us as he passed away. With Courage which she was now known, Marie-Rose got actively involved in the funeral and the burial of her darling Dad, alongside political authorities and in the absence of the acting President of the Republic, Mobutu Sese Seko who was on a trip to Germany. Thus, Marie-Rose Kasavubu witnessed the burial of the First President of the Democratic Republic in the land of his ancestors in the village of Singini, the Tshela territory in Bas –Congo.

Despite the pain, Marie-Rose has risen her head with stoicism, and opened another page of her journey so as to walk again and again up to the front. Thus:

  • She took part of the christening of the high sea ship, “MV Joseph Kasa-Vubu”, in the Japanese city of Innoshima on the 10th of May 1971.
  • She enters the administration of the territory where she remained from 20th July 1972 to 29th October 1977. During this period, she assumes in turn, the responsibilities of the Mayor of the council of Gombe, Masina and Limete.
  • In 1977 she is elected councilor of Limete County, however, she is compelled to abandon this function as to abide to the rule which prevented public servants from amalgamating two or more public mandates.
  • In 1977 she was elected National Deputy of Kinshasa Funaand President of the Parliamentary Group for the Environment.
  • She is then elected to the Bureau of the National Assembly and carries the functions of the 2nd Secretary of Zairean Parliament between 1977 and 1982.
  • She attended the public meeting marking the withdrawal of 13 parliamentarians, prelude to the unprecedented appearance of opposition to one-party power of the 2nd Republic of Mobutu.
  • Appointed Member of the Central Committee of the Popular Movement of the Revolution (MPR) in 1980, she served two consecutive terms of five years each, until 1990.
  • Amid a call from the party leader, she is at the scene in N’Sele (suburb of Kinshasa), where Mobutu delivered the famous speech of 24th April 1990, during which he announced the end of the State Party and the advent of multiparty that should lead to the 3rd Republic. It is followed by a long transition!

It is also she who in 1996, on the death of her mother, fully organised the funeral thereof. And her mother, Mrs. Hortense Kasavubu, born Ngoma Masunda, wife of President Joseph Kasavubu, rests eternally in the territory of Kangu Lukula Mayombe in Bas-Congo, land of her ancestors .
In 1998, Marie-Rose Kasavubu has expressed the importance she attaches to the honour and pride of place she reserves for her parents, in posing at the private cemetery of Mbata Pepe, a GRANITE-Made tombstone.
With an innate sense of responsibility, Marie-Rose took to grips with the direction of the family business at the disappearance of her parents. She operates with agility and punctilious manner the residence of his late father, President Joseph Kasavubu.

In the same vein, since the 25th anniversary of the death of her father, she has brought the organisation of annual Masses of thanksgiving in memory of her parents, long and unjustly ignored. One important thing to note is that these masses are all organised by her own financial resources for the 13 years they occur.
One of the fruits to make the assets of the masses is that they have attracted the attention of the current Head of State, President Joseph Kabila, who subsequently decided to build a mausoleum (helically). The mausoleum is the pride of our people who finally see justice done to this dear son, honoured by the youngest of his successors at the head of the Congolese State.
In the wake of this dynamics, two monuments will be erected in memory of President Joseph Kasavubu, one in Kinshasa and the second in Boma, place of death of the former Head of State.
Marie-Rose perpetuated the memory of her illustrious parents, through the thousands of magazines and print campaigns to their effigies, as to keep them alive in the collective memory, to the chagrin of the political actors in bad faith who have not believed the perseverance and courage of Marie-Rose.
The impetus of Marie-Rose, the engine of her action, her fighting spirit and success that accompanied each of her actions, she owes them to her “totem”: The values ​​she secured from her illustrious father. This is why, like her father, ‘she says what she does and she does what she says’. Whatever she organises, she accomplished them with thoroughness and perfectionism. Ever, of Man memory, you will remember a project undertaken by Marie-Rose and has been unsuccessful. She is a winner, that’s it!

The Marie-Rose’s Address Book

At every level ,Marie-Rose accounts relationships nationally and internationally.

Before the independence of Congo
We can cite the following personalities:

  • His Excellency Abbé Fulbert YOULOU, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville
  • Mr Tchitchele, Minister of the Government of Congo Brazzaville
  • Honorable Yambault , Member of Parliament of Congo Brazzaville.
  • Professor Antoine Joseph A. Van Bilsen, Political Advisor to the President Kasavubu. (Professor Van Bilsen is the author of many books including: ” TO THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE CONGO AND RWANDA URUDI published in 1958, and the project” THIRTY YEARS PLAN FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INDEPENDENT STATE OF BELGIAN CONGO- ” and he was the guardian of Marie-Rose Kasavubu during her brief stay in Belgium).
  • Father Ekwa, spiritual father of Marie-Rose during her studies at the Institute Berlaymont in Brussels.

During the First Republic 1960-1965
At this time , Marie-Rose built closest and friendly relations with many personalities including:

  • Mr Justin Marie Bomboko, Minister of Foreign Affairs and his wife, Suzanne , 1960-1963.
  • Mr Hubert Sangara, HighTraditional Chief of Muavu in the Province of Kivu and, President of “Air-Congo” and “SABENA”, 1961.
  • Mr Joseph ILIEO Songo Amba, Prime Minister and his wife, Ms. Elissa Mbongo 1961.
  • Mr Cyril Adoula, Prime Minister and his wife, Mrs. Astrid, 1961-1964.
  • Colonel Joseph Désiré Mobutu, Chief of General Staff and Commander of the Congolese National Army (ANC) and his wife, Marie -Antoinette Gbiatene 1962.
  • Mr Marcel Lengema, Secretary General of Foreign Affairs in 1963.
  • His Excellency Massamba Deba, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville, 1963.
  • Mr Moise Tchombe, Prime Minister from 1964 to 1965.
  • Mr Foster Manzikala, Governor of Kibali Ituri, 1964-1967.
  • Mr Godefroid Munongo, Minister in charge of the interior, 1964-1965.
  • Mr Cleophas Kamitatu, Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1965.
  • Mr Alphonse Zamundu, Minister for Agriculture, 1965 -1966.
  • Mr Diallo Telli, Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).
  • His Excellency Kuame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of Ghana, 1965.

During the Second Republic 1965-1996 (Republic of Zaire)

  • Mr Litho Moboti Minister for agriculture.
  • Mr Kengo Wa Dondo, Attorney General of the Republic.
  • His Excellency Ngouabi Marien, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville. (Marie-Rose had the privilege of welcoming the river port “Beach Ngobila “Kinshasa).
  • His Excellency Omar Bongo, President of the Republic of Gabon official visit to Kinshasa.
  • His Excellency Ahmed Sekou Toure, President of the Republic of Guinea Conakry. (Marie-Rose had the privilege of welcoming the river port “Beach Ngobila “Kinshasa).
  • His Excellency Antonio Agostinho Neto , President of the Republic of Angola ( during his official visit to Kinshasa)
  • His Excellency Kenneth Kaunda, President of the Republic of Zambia ( during his official visit to Kinshasa)
  • His Excellency Amadou Ahidjo , President of the Republic of Cameroon ( during his official visit to Kinshasa)
  • His Excellency Valery Giscard d’Estaing, President of the French Republic and Mrs. ( met at the Town Hall with the Governor N’Djoku Eyo Baba and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Nguz A Karl I Bond) .
  • Mr Leo Tindemans, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium (hosted at the Town Hall with the Governor N’djoku Eyo Baba and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguz A Karl I Bond).
  • Jean Bedel Bokassa Emperor of the Central African Republic. (Marie-Rose was responsible for its hospitality during his official visit to Zaire on the occasion of inaugurating the assembly line at the Chevrolet plant in Kinshasa (Masina). Mrs Marie-Rose was at that time the Mayor of Masina).

In October 1978, on the funeral of the wife of President Mobutu, the late Marie-Antoinette Mobutu Gbiatene,Marie-Rose in Gbadolite, was the Lady of honour and company for the following famous personalities including:

  • Ladies Senghor of Senegal and Yombi Opango of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville and Princess Paola of the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • His Excellency William Tolbert, President of Liberia; (Marie-Rose met him at the Mansion Building in Liberia, Monrovia 1978).
  • Mr Abee Tolbert, son of the President of Liberia visit to Zaire. (Marie-Rose was responsible for his stay), 1978.
  • Marie-Rose headed the two parliamentary delegations she led to the 33rd and 34th Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, respectively in 1978 and 1979. (She did this in her capacity as the 2nd Secretary of Zairean Parliament).
  • His Excellency Gnassingbe Eyadema, President of the Republic of Togo (during his official visit to Kinshasa, Gemena and Gbadolite 1979).
  • His Excellency Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville and his wife, Mrs. Antoinette Sassou Nguesso (during their goodwill visit to Zaire in 1979).
  • His Excellency Fidel Castro, President of Cuba. (Marie-Rose is part of the official delegation participating in Havana 6th Summit of Heads of State to the Conference of Non- Aligned Countries, delegation led by Mr. ILEO Songo Amba, President of the National Assembly. On the sidelines of the summit Marie-Rose has the privilege to meet the Cuban Head of State, who came personally welcome them at the airport in Havana), 1979.
  • His Excellency Arap Moi, President of the Republic of Kenya. (They met at the Presidential Palace in Nairobi, where she stayed in official delegation 1980).
  • The first Minister Indira Gandhi (during the official visit to India, in New Delhi, in 1980).
  • The Prime Minister Chou En Lai, (during her official visit to China, in Beijing, in 1980).
  • His Excellency Deng Xiao Ping, President of the People’s Republic of China. (Marie-Rose is in the presidential suite during the official visit to China in 1980).
  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II (in his first official visits to Kinshasa in 1980).
  • His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal (She met him at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa 1982).
  • Ms. Bobi Ladawa, wife of President Mobutu (She met at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa in 1982).
  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II (in his second official visits to Kinshasa in 1985).
  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II (on a private visit, in Vatican City, 1989).
  • Mrs. Edith Bongo, wife of President Omar Bongo of Gabon (The meeting took place in Libreville, palace renovation in 1991).
  • Mrs. Oliver Thambo, wife of the founder of the African National Congress ANC (The two characters meet in Johannesburg in 1992).
  • Mr Paul Mees Chancellor in the Belgian Embassy in Kinshasa (Kinshasa, She meets him in 1992).

Marie-Rose and her mother, Mrs. Hortense Kasavubu, were invited by the Congolese Government at the National “Sovereign Conference ” which took place at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa in 1992. Marie-Rose appeared at the conference just to deliver the message her mother, Mrs. Hortense Kasavubu who was invited there for the duration of the conference, the HCR- PT.

During the Third Republic in our Days (Passing through the transition, 1997)

This time, we notice numerous activities and actions undertaken by Marie-Rose, including:
The launch of the website in 1999.
The creation on 24th March 1999 of the non-profit association called “WORKS OF PRESIDENT Kasavubu” (OPK), the first vision being to sustain the action of President Kasavubu. The OPK realises its vision, undertakes printing wrappers (wax), calendars, t -shirts, previews and banners with effigy of President Kasavubu.
The meeting in 2002 with His Excellency Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Head of State.
In 2003, she became National MP at the time of the Transitional Government. At the same time, she is designated President of the Parliamentary Group for the Family Policy of the Head of State for the province of Bas- Congo.

The founding on 04th June 2005 of his political party “Organization Policy and Allied Kasavubistes” Opeka in short.
In 2006, Marie-Rose was parliamentary candidate in Kinshasa on behalf of the Alliance for the Presidential Majority (AMP), in councils of Bandalungwa , Bumbu , Kalamu , Kasavubu , Makala , Ngiri – ngiri and Selembao .
Under the recommendation of Traditional Chiefs of the Bas-fleuve, Marie-Rose ran for election in 2011.
She has recently been invited to the sitting of the National Consultations requested by the Head of State and held in Kinshasa in 2013.
Marie-Rose had to work with various officials and decision-makers of our country, in almost all institutions. We cite the case of Governors of Kinshasa, respectively, under the direction of Mr N’djoku Eyo Baba and Mr Dominique Sakombi Inongo.
In parliament, she had no harm to collaborate with the respective presidents, namely Mr Boboliko Lokonga, Mr Ileo Songo Amba and Mr Nzondomio Adokpe Lingo.

The government with the Ministers of Home Affairs and policies:

Mr Bulundwe Kitongo Penge Mali, Mr Engulu Banga Mpongo and Mr Kithima Bin Ramazani.

Spiritual commitment

Practicing Catholic and fervent, Marie-Rose is an assiduously faithful. As a result, she has enticed the attention and admiration of the religious leaders of all stripes as follow:
She was very tuned by the late Cardinal Archbishop of Kinshasa, Etsaou Bamonguabi as well as the whole Catholic clergy.
Mr Joseph Diangienda Kuntima (Spiritual Head of the Church Kimbanguist and personal friend of President Joseph Kasavubu for spiritual warfare on the edge of independence) , lent her during his lifetime, a listening ear, not to mention Mr Kisolokele Charles, the eldest son of Prophet Kimbangu and State Minister in the First Republic from 1960 to 1965.
This explains why, in October 1980, Mr Joseph Diangienda Kuntima, personally invited Mrs Marie-Rose Kasavubu at the inauguration of the Holy City of Nkamba.
Marie-Rose has been invited by Mr Simon Kimbangu Kiangani as a Special Guest, amid the celebrations of the Prophet Kimbangu’s birthday.
Philanthropist, and activist for good causes, Marie-Rose is a discreet benefactor for charitable donor centers. “She gives with right hand without the left hand noticing!”

What we retain from President Kasavubu

“The Man of January 4th 1959,” as we like to remember, is the Father of the independence of our country and our first President.
His Excellency, the late Joseph Kasavubu has left a legacy of more copies, if not unique in African politics. Disinterested in the property, the man showed by deeds, the separationhe made between the property of the State and his own.
Honest man in all his ways, his selflessness and dedication to the cause of the country are summarised in this sentence he wrote to one of the leaders of the drafting of the Basic Law of the Democratic Republic of Congo, we quote: ” make a Constitution for the country, not a Constitution for President because I am the” President ” but the Republic will continue to eternity!” This is a full of meaning sentence he addressed to Mr. lleo Songo Amba ‘, then commissioned to write the Constitution of Luluabourg and who had the intention to introduce in the budget provisions that would make the President of the Republic “favours” outside his official emoluments .

To Conclude

If the President Kasavubu could finish transmitting to offspring that we represent, the deposit resources that overflowed its heart, the Democratic Republic of Congo would not be reduced to this day, to fight “anti-values ​​!”
Congolese may have sawed off the branch on which they were sitting. However, the trunk of the tree “Kasavubu” remains and it has budded!
Marie-Rose Kasavubu is this bud that replicates the branch that was unconsciously cut.
Through Marie-Rose, Kasavubu remains ever alive, and the Congo can count on her.
“The President is dead, long live the President!”

Welcome you to the website of Mrs.Kiatazabu.

Thank you for choosing our website to discover a key and inescapable figure of the Congolese public life, whose greatness is forged upon her experience through the turbulence the Democratic Republic of Congo has suffered from the early stage of its independence.
This site is a place for information on the development of Mrs.Marie-Rose, her public and family life as well as her relationships.
The site also is theright place to learn the true story of our country, the Democratic Republic of Congo, as well as that of a man who remains forever, unlessotherwise proven, the Father of the independence of the Congo, His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu.


Having spent much of our time beside her and, after many years of thoughtful, we are able to date, to present Mrs. Kiatazabu, born Marie-Rose Kasavubu Kukana, the eldest daughter of His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu, First President and father of the independence of the Democratic Republic of Congo.
A woman with iron will, Marie-Rose Kasavubu inherited from late President Kasavubu all the attributes that make her a Congolese political woman, second to none as it stands in this country. From her numerous qualities, the integrity (in all senses), the love of her country , the sense of the common good and honour come ahead of countless virtues Marie-Rose possesses. Though the list would not be exhaustive.
Marie-Rose watched the events of January 4, 1959. Events that have made in the history of our country, as they compelled and condemned, less than a year later, the colonisation tale to stop its ineffable way and come to its end.
This Sunday, Jan 4, 1959, Marie-Rose, then a teenager, contemplated the courage and selflessness of a wounded people which, at the cost of supreme sacrifices, faced the fury and terror of Belgian Colons. She discovered the bravery of a group of people determined to fight and who refused to back away from the murderous power, in order to recover the Independence of the entire Nation.
Marie-Rose silently observed the action of her illustrious father, Joseph Kasavubu, who commanded the “Alliance des Bakongo” (ABAKO in short), and led operations with resolution and obstinacy, until the final victory. Upon these fighting, the Democratic Republic of Congo, dear to Joseph Kasavubu, finally became a free, independent and sovereign in June 30, 1960!

The young Marie-Rose was forged by the artifices of these glitches. Her character was born, she was the daughter of her father, who would in turn become the woman of integrity, the fighter of freedom and unconditional lover of the Congo and, for which she is committed to fight over her life. Her fight is to honour the memory of all those who, under her eyes, felled sword in hand, and whose blood quenches ever now the freed soil of our country.
Marie-Rose also battles to bequeath to future generations a truly free and united country, along with worthy and common values that need to be shared by people who are condemned to a common destiny.
The future of Marie-Rose did not fall anywhere else but at the frontline of the political tussle for the Democratic Republic of Congo. This is where she has been since.
Inevitably, the fate of Mrs.Marie-Rose would surprise no supercilious observer, who now happily discovers a woman of State, a politician as there is rarely in our country.

To complete the picture, Marie-Rosehas a family and social life. On the family side, Marie-Rose is a sister and a mother, a happily married woman, addicted to the welfare of each of her childrento whom she was able to pass on her gentleness and kindness, in addition to being a wife fulfilled and cheerful. Marie-Rose in society has a network of countless friends and confidants all together, like no other.
It is a huge chance to have her as a friend, as she is engaging, compassionate and good-natured. Marie-Rose loves passionately, and she knows how to forgive.

Marie-Rose Kasavubu: a well-established politician

As mentioned above, she owes her political credentials to her Father who, from the time he became President of the Republic amid country’s accession to international sovereignty, did not hesitate to rely on her oldest daughter. She assumed, when necessary, the functions of the Executive Secretary with the brand new Congolese Head of State. During his experience beside the President of the Republic, Marie-Rose took part in many official missions.The most telling remains her involvement with the Congolese delegation to the Conference of African Unity at the 4th Summit of Heads of State in Accra, Ghana, in 1965. Mrs.Marie-Rose Kasavubu has sharpened her political argument by attending hearings as provided for by the Head of States, Political Leaders, military and traditional, as well as all kinds of mark guestsof the Presidency of the Republic.
Shelived the 24 November 1965coup. It was she who courageously reported to her parents the news on conspiracy mounted and orchestrated by Mobutu and the Military High Command followed by the announcement through the national radio of the dismissal of the Head of State, her own Father!
On March 24, 1969, fate struck dramatically the Kasavubu family. His Excellency Joseph Kasavubu has left us as he passed away. WithCourage which she was now known, Marie-Rosegot actively involved in the funeral and the burial of her darlingDad, alongsidepolitical authorities and in the absence of the acting President of the Republic, Mobutu Sese Seko who was on a trip to Germany. Thus, Marie-Rose Kasavubu witnessed the burial of the First President of the Democratic Republic in the land of his ancestors in the village of Singini,the Tshela territory in Bas –Congo.

Despite the pain, Marie-Rose has risen her head with stoicism, and opened another page of her journey so as to walk again and again up to the front. Thus:

  • She enters the administration of the territory where she remained from 20 July 1972 to 29 October 1977. During this period, she assumes in turn, the responsibilities of the Mayor of the council of Gombe, Masina and Limete.
  • In 1977 she is elected councilor of Limete County, however, she is compelled to abandon this function as to abide to the rule which prevented public servants from amalgamating two or more public mandates.
  • In 1977 she was elected National Deputy of Kinshasa Funaand President of the Parliamentary Group for the Environment.
  • She is then elected to the Bureau of the National Assembly and carries the functions of the second parliamentary secretary between 1977 and 1982.
  • She attended the public meeting marking the withdrawal of 13 parliamentarians, prelude to the unprecedented appearance of opposition to one-party power of the 2nd Republic of Mobutu.
  • Appointed Member of the Central Committee of the Popular Movement of the Revolution (MPR) in 1980, she served two consecutive terms of five years each, until 1990.
  • Amid a call from the party leader, she is at the scene in N’Sele (suburb of Kinshasa), where Mobutu delivered the famous speech of 24 April 1990, during which he announced the end of the State Party and the advent of multiparty that should lead to the 3rd Republic. It is followed by a long transition!

It is also she who in 1996, on the death of hermother, fully organised the funeral thereof. And hermother,Mrs. Hortense Kasavubu, born Ngoma Masunda, wife of President Joseph Kasavubu, rests eternally in the territory of Kangu Lukula Mayombe in Bas-Congo, land of her ancestors .
In 1998, Marie-Rose Kasavubu has expressed the importance she attaches to the honour and pride of place she reserves for her parents, in posing at the private cemetery of Mbata Pepe, a GRANITE-Made tombstone.
With an innate sense of responsibility, Marie-Rose took to grips with the direction of the family business at the disappearance of her parents. She operates with agility and punctilious manner the residence of his late father, President Joseph Kasavubu.

In the same vein, since the 25th anniversary of the death of her father, she has brought the organisation of annual Masses of thanksgiving in memory of herparents, long and unjustly ignored. One important thing to note is that these masses are all organised by her own financial resources for the 13 years they occur.
One of the fruits to make the assets of the masses is that they have attracted the attention of the current Head of State, President Joseph Kabila, who subsequently decided to build a mausoleum (helically). The mausoleum is the pride of our people who finally see justice done to this dear son, honoured by the youngest of his successors at the head of the Congolese State.
In the wake of this dynamics, two monuments will be erected in memory of President Joseph Kasavubu, one in Kinshasa and the second in Boma, place of death of the former Head of State.
Marie-Rose perpetuated the memory of her illustrious parents, through the thousands of magazines and print campaigns to their effigies, as to keep them alive in the collective memory, to the chagrin of the political actors in bad faith who have not believed the perseverance and courage of Marie-Rose.
The impetusof Marie-Rose, the engine of her action, her fighting spirit and success that accompanied each of her actions, she owes them to his “totem”: The values ​​she secured from her illustrious father. This is why, like her father, ‘she says what she does and she does what she says’. Whatever she organises, she accomplished themwith thoroughness and perfectionism. Ever, of Man memory, you will remember a project undertaken by Marie-Rose and has been unsuccessful. She is a winner, that’s it!

The Marie-Rose’s Address Book

At everylevels,Marie-Rose accounts relationships nationally and internationally.

Before the independence of Congo
We can cite the following personalities:

  • His Excellency Abbé Fulbert YOULOU, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville
  • Mr Tchitchele, Minister of the Government of Congo Brazzaville
  • Honorable Yambault , Member of Parliament of Congo Brazzaville.
  • Professor Antoine Joseph A. Van Bilsen, Political Advisor to the President Kasavubu. (Professor Van Bilsen is the author of many books including: ” TO THE INDEPENDENCE OF THE CONGO AND RWANDA URUDI published in 1958, and the project” THIRTY YEARS PLAN FOR THE ESTABLISHMENT OF AN INDEPENDENT STATE OF BELGIAN CONGO- ” and he was the guardian of Marie-Rose Kasavubu during her brief stay in Belgium).
  • Father Ekwa, spiritual father of Marie-Rose during her studies at the Institute Berlaymont in Brussels.

During the First Republic 1960-1965
At this time , Marie-Rose builtclosest and friendly relations with many personalities including:

  • Mr Justin Marie Bomboko, Minister of Foreign Affairs and his wife, Suzanne , 1960-1963.
  • Mr Hubert Sangara, HighTraditional Chief of Muavu in the Province of Kivu and, President of “Air-Congo” and “SABENA”, 1961.
  • Mr Joseph ILIEO Songo Amba, Prime Minister and his wife, Ms. Elissa Mbongo 1961.
  • Mr Cyril Adoula, Prime Minister and his wife, Mrs. Astrid, 1961-1964.
  • Colonel Joseph Désiré Mobutu, Chief of General Staff and Commander of the Congolese National Army (ANC) and his wife, Marie -Antoinette Gbiatene 1962.
  • Mr Marcel Lengema, Secretary General of Foreign Affairs in 1963.
  • His Excellency Massamba Deba, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville, 1963.
  • Mr Moise Tchombe, Prime Minister from 1964 to 1965.

Mr Foster Manzikala, Governor of Kibali Ituri, 1964-1967.
Mr Godefroid Munongo, Minister in charge of the interior, 1964-1965.
Mr Cleophas Kamitatu, Minister for Foreign Affairs, 1965.
Mr Alphonse Zamundu, Minister for Agriculture, 1965 -1966.

  • Mr Diallo Telli, Secretary General of the Organization of African Unity (OAU).
  • His Excellency Kuame Nkrumah, President of the Republic of Ghana, 1965.

During the Second Republic 1965-1996 (Republic of Zaire)

  • Mr Litho Moboti Minister for agriculture.
  • Mr Kengo Wa Dondo, Attorney General of the Republic.
  • His Excellency Ngouabi Marien, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville. (Marie-Rose had the privilege of welcoming the river port “Beach Ngobila “Kinshasa).
  • His Excellency Omar Bongo, President of the Republic of Gabon official visit to Kinshasa.
  • His Excellency Ahmed Sekou Toure, President of the Republic of Guinea Conakry. (Marie-Rose had the privilege of welcoming the river port “Beach Ngobila “Kinshasa).
  • His Excellency Antonio Agostinho Neto , President of the Republic of Angola ( during his official visit to Kinshasa)
  • His Excellency Kenneth Kaunda, President of the Republic of Zambia ( during his official visit to Kinshasa)
  • His Excellency Amadou Ahidjo , President of the Republic of Cameroon ( during his official visit to Kinshasa)
  • His Excellency Valery Giscard d’Estaing, President of the French Republic and Mrs. ( met at the Town Hall with the Governor N’Djoku Eyo Baba and the Minister for Foreign Affairs Nguz A Karl I Bond) .
  • Mr Leo Tindemans, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Kingdom of Belgium (hosted at the Town Hall with the Governor N’djoku Eyo Baba and the Minister of Foreign Affairs Nguz A Karl I Bond).
  • Jean Bedel Bokassa Emperor of the Central African Republic. (Marie-Rose was responsible for its hospitality during his official visit to Zaire on the occasion of inaugurating the assembly line at the Chevrolet plant in Kinshasa (Masina). Mrs.Marie-Rose was at that time the Mayor of Masina).

In October 1978, on the funeral of the wife of President Mobutu , the late Marie-Antoinette Mobutu Gbiatene,Marie-Rosein Gbadolite, was the Lady of honour and company for the following famous personalities including:

  • Ladies Senghor of Senegal and Yombi Opango of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville and Princess Paola of the Kingdom of Belgium.
  • His Excellency William Tolbert, President of Liberia; (Marie-Rose met him at the Mansion Building in Liberia, Monrovia 1978).
  • Mr Abee Tolbert, son of the President of Liberia visit to Zaire. (Marie-Rose was responsible for his home), 1978.
  • Marie-Rose headed the two parliamentary delegations she led to the 33rd and 34th Sessions of the General Assembly of the United Nations in New York, respectively in 1978 and 1979. (She did this in her capacity as the 2nd Secretary of Zairean Parliament).
  • His Excellency Gnassingbe Eyadema, President of the Republic of Togo (during his official visits to Kinshasa, Gemena and Gbadolite 1979).
  • His Excellency Denis Sassou Nguesso, President of the Republic of Congo Brazzaville and his wife, Mrs. Antoinette Sassou Nguesso (during their goodwill visit to Zaire in 1979).
  • His Excellency Fidel Castro, President of Cuba. (Marie-Rose is part of the official delegation participating in Havana 6th Summit of Heads of State to the Conference of Non- Aligned Countries, delegation led by Mr. ILEO Songo Amba, President of the National Assembly. On the sidelines of the summit Marie-Rose has the privilege to meet the Cuban Head of State, who came personally welcome them at the airport in Havana), 1979.
  • His Excellency Arap Moi, President of the Republic of Kenya. (They met at the Presidential Palace in Nairobi, where she stayed in official delegation 1980).
  • The first Minister Indira Gandhi (during the official visit to India, in New Delhi, in 1980).
  • The Prime Minister Chou En Lai, (during her official visit to China, in Beijing, in 1980).
  • His Excellency Deng Xiao Ping, President of the People’s Republic of China. (Marie-Rose is in the presidential suite during the official visit to China in 1980).
  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II (in his first official visits to Kinshasa in 1980).
  • His Excellency Abdou Diouf, President of the Republic of Senegal (She met him at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa 1982).
  • Ms. Bobi Ladawa, wife of President Mobutu (She met at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa in 1982).
  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II (in his second official visits to Kinshasa in 1985).
  • His Holiness Pope John Paul II (on a private visit, in Vatican City, 1989).
  • Mrs. Edith Bongo, wife of President Omar Bongo of Gabon (The meeting took place in Libreville, palace renovation in 1991).
  • Mrs. Oliver Thambo, wife of the founder of the African National Congress ANC (The two characters meet in Johannesburg in 1992).
  • Mr Paul Mees Chancellor in the Belgian Embassy in Kinshasa (Kinshasa, She meets him in 1992).

Marie-Rose and her mother, Mrs. Hortense Kasavubu, were invited by the Congolese Government at the National “Sovereign Conference ” which took place at the Palais du Peuple in Kinshasa in 1992. Marie-Rose appeared at the conference just to deliver the message her mother, Mrs. Hortense Kasavubu who was invited there for the duration of the conference, the HCR- PT.

During the Third Republic in our Days (Passing through the transition, 1997)

This time, we notice numerous activities and actions undertaken by Marie-Rose, including:
The launch of the website in 1999.
The creation on 24th March 1999 of the non-profit association called “WORKS OF PRESIDENT Kasavubu” (OPK), the first vision being to sustain the action of President Kasavubu. The OPK realises its vision, undertakes printing wrappers (wax), calendars, t -shirts, previews and banners with effigy of President Kasavubu.
The meeting in 2002 with His Excellency Joseph Kabila, President of the Democratic Republic of Congo, the Head of State.
In 2003, she became National MP at the time of the Transitional Government. At the same time, she is designated President of the Parliamentary Group for the Family Policy of the Head of State for the province of Bas- Congo.

The founding on 04th June 2005 of his political party “Organization Policy and Allied Kasavubistes” Opeka in short.
In 2006, Marie-Rose was parliamentary candidate in Kinshasa on behalf of the Alliance for the Presidential Majority (AMP), in councils of Bandalungwa , Bumbu , Kalamu , Kasavubu , Makala , Ngiri – ngiri and Selembao .
Under the recommendation of Traditional Chiefs of the Bas-fleuve, Marie-Rose ran for election in 2011.
She has recently been invited to the sitting of the National Consultations requested by the Head of State and held in Kinshasa in 2013.
Marie-Rose had to work with various officials and decision-makers of our country, in almost all institutions. We cite the case of Governors of Kinshasa, respectively, under the direction of Mr N’djoku Eyo Baba and Mr Dominique Sakombi Inongo.
In parliament, she had no harm to collaborate with the respective presidents, namely Mr Boboliko Lokonga, Mr Ileo Songo Amba and Mr Nzondomio Adokpe Lingo.

The government with the Ministers of Home Affairs and policies:

Mr Bulundwe Kitongo Penge Mali, Mr Engulu Banga Mpongo and Mr Kithima Bin Ramazani.

Spiritual commitment

Practicing Catholic and fervent, Marie-Rose is an assiduously faithful. As a result, shehas enticed the attention and admiration of the religious leaders of all stripes as follow:
She was very tuned by the late Cardinal Archbishop of Kinshasa, Etsaou Bamonguabi as well as the whole Catholic clergy.
Mr Joseph Diangienda Kuntima (Spiritual Head of the Church Kimbanguist and personal friend of President Joseph Kasavubu for spiritual warfare on the edge of independence) , lent her during his lifetime, a listening ear, not to mention Mr Kisolokele Charles, the eldest son of Prophet Kimbangu and State Minister in the First Republic from 1960 to 1965.
This explains why, in October 1980, Mr Joseph Diangienda Kuntima, personally invited Mrs.Marie-Rose Kasavubu at the inauguration of the Holy City ofNkamba.
Marie-Rose has been invited by Mr Simon Kimbangu Kiangani as a Special Guest, amid the celebrations of the Prophet Kimbangu’s birthday.
Philanthropist, and activist for good causes, Marie-Rose is a discreet benefactor for charitable donor centers. “She gives with right hand without the left hand noticing!”

What we retain from President Kasavubu

“The Man of January 4, 1959,” as we like to remember, is the Father of the independence of our country and our first President.
His Excellency, the late Joseph Kasavubu has left a legacy of more copies, if not unique in African politics. Disinterested in the property, the man showed by deeds, the separationhe made between the property of the State and his own.
Honest man in all his ways, his selflessness and dedication to the cause of the country are summarised in this sentence he wrote to one of the leaders of the drafting of the Basic Law of the Democratic Republic of Congo, we quote: ” make a Constitution for the country, not a Constitution for President because I am the” President ” but the Republic will continue to eternity!” This is a full of meaning sentence he addressed to MrIleo Songo Amba ‘, then commissioned to write the Constitution of Luluabourg and who had the intention to introduce in the budget provisions that would make the President of the Republic “favours” outside his official emoluments .

To Conclude

If the President Kasavubu could finish transmitting to offspring that we represent, the deposit resources that overflowed its heart, the Democratic Republic of Congo would not be reduced to this day, to fight “anti-values ​​!”
Congolese may have sawed off the branch on which they were sitting. However, the trunk of the tree “Kasavubu” remains and it has budded!
Marie-Rose Kasavubu is this bud that replicates the branch that was unconsciously cut.
Through Marie-Rose, Kasavuburemains ever alive, and the Congo can count on her.
“The President is dead, long live the President!”

Marie-Rose Kasavubu ou l’histoire d’une femme hors du commun


Nous vous souhaitons la bienvenue sur le site de Madame Kiatazabu.

Merci d’avoir choisi notre site pour découvrir un personnage incontournable de la vie publique Congolaise, dont la grandeur est forgée au gré des turbulences que la République Démocratique du Congo a soufferte depuis peu avant son indépendance jusqu’à nos jours.
Ce site est un lieu de renseignement sur le parcours de Madame Marie Rose, sa vie publique, sa vie de famille et ses relations. Il est aussi un endroit approprié pour apprendre l’histoire, la vraie, celle de notre pays la République Démocratique, sans oublier celle d’un homme dont on parle peu mais qui est, et jusqu’à preuve du contraire, demeure à jamais, le Père de l’indépendance du Congo.


Après de longues années de réflexions et pour avoir vécues à ses côtés, nous sommes en mesure à ce jour, de vous présenter Madame Kiatazabu, née Marie-Rose Kasavubu Kukana, fille ainée de Son Excellence Joseph Kasavubu, Premier Président de la République Démocratique du Congo.

Dame de poigne, Madame Marie-Rose Kasavubu a hérité de feu le Président Kasavubu tous les attributs qui lui confèrent une stature politique hors du commun. De ces attributs, l’intégrité dans tout son sens, l’amour de la patrie, le sens du bien commun et celui de l’honneur viennent en tête du cortège d’innombrables vertus sur une liste qui ne saurait être exhaustive.

Marie-Rose a vécu de ses propres yeux, les événements du 04 janvier 1959. Des événements qui ont fait date dans l’histoire de notre pays, tant ils ont condamné, moins d’une année après, et sans rechigner, l’histoire coloniale à arrêter son cours ineffable.

Ce dimanche 04 janvier 1959, Madame Marie-Rose, alors adolescente, a contemplé le courage et l’abnégation d’un peuple meurtri mais qui, au prix du sacrifice suprême, affrontait la fureur et la terreur du Colon. Elle découvrait ainsi la bravoure d’un peuple déterminé à se battre, un peuple qui refusa de reculer face à la puissance meurtrière, afin de recouvrer l’Indépendance de toute une Nation. Elle a pu s’imprégner aussi de l’action de son illustre Père, Joseph Kasavubu qui, aux commandes de l’ « Alliance des Bakongo », ABAKO en sigle, mena les opérations avec résolution et opiniâtreté, jusqu’à la victoire finale. La République Démocratique du Congo, chère à Joseph Kasavubu, devrait enfin devenir libre, indépendante et souveraine le 30 Juin 1960.

La jeune Marie-Rose fut forgée par les artifices de ces anicroches. Son caractère était trempé, c’était la fille de son père, qui devrait devenir à son tour la femme intègre, la combattante des libertés et l’amoureuse inconditionnelle d’un Congo pour lequel elle s’est engagée à se battre jusqu’au bout. Son combat est à l’honneur de la mémoire de tous ceux qui, sous ses yeux, sont tombés armes à la main, et dont le sang trempe à jamais le sol désormais libre de notre pays.

Le combat de Madame Marie-Rose est aussi et surtout, celui de léguer aux générations futures, un pays réellement libre et uni, ainsi que des valeurs pures dignes d’un peuple condamné à un destin commun.

Inéluctablement, l’avenir de Marie-Rose ne s’inscrivait nulle part ailleurs que sur la ligne de front du combat politique en faveur de la République Démocratique du Congo.

Forcément, le devenir de Madame Marie-Rose ne surprendrait aucun observateur sourcilleux qui, avec bonheur, découvre aujourd’hui une femme d’Etat, une femme politique comme il y en a rarement dans notre pays.

Pour compléter le tableau, Madame Marie-Rose a une vie de famille et une vie sociale. En famille, Marie-Rose est une sœur et une mère, une maman comblée, adonnée au bien-être de chacun de ses enfants à qui elle a su transmettre sa douceur et sa prévenance, en plus d’être une épouse épanouie et heureuse. En société Marie-Rose a un réseau dont on ne peut dénombrer les amis, tous confidents les uns comme les autres.

C’est une énorme chance que de l’avoir comme amie, tant elle est attachante, compatissante et débonnaire. Marie-Rose aime passionnément, et elle sait se faire pardonner.

Marie-Rose Kasavubu, une « Politique » rodée

Comme nous le disions ci-haut, sa formation politique, elle le doit à son Père qui, devenu Président de la République à l’accession du pays à la souveraineté internationale, n’hésita point à faire appel aux services de sa fille ainée. Celle-ci assuma, en cas de besoin, les fonctions de Secrétaire de Direction auprès du tout nouveau Chef de l’Etat congolais. Au cours de son expérience à la Présidence de la République, Marie-Rose prit part à de nombreuses missions officielles dont la plus parlante demeure sa participation avec la délégation congolaise, à la Conférence de l’Unité Africaine lors du 4ème Sommet des Chefs d’Etats d’Accra au Ghana, en 1965. Madame Marie-Rose Kasavubu a su aiguiser son argumentaire politique en assistant aux audiences qu’accordait le Chef de l’Etat aux leaders politiques, militaires et coutumiers, ainsi qu’à toute sorte d’hôtes de marque de la Présidence de la République.
Elle vécut le coup d’État du 24 Novembre 1965. C’est elle qui courageusement informa ses parents de la conjuration montée et orchestrée par Mobutu et le Haut Commandement Militaire, dont le communiqué radiodiffusé annonçait la destitution du Chef de l’Etat, son propre Père!
Le 24 Mars 1969, le destin frappa dramatiquement la famille Kasavubu. Son Excellence Joseph Kasavubu nous quittait. Avec le courage dont on la connait désormais, Marie-Rose participe activement, en compagnie des autorités politiques du pays et en l’absence du Président de la République d’alors, Mobutu Sese Seko en séjour en Allemagne, aux obsèques et funérailles de son Papa chéri. Ainsi, Marie-Rose Kasavubu fut témoin de l’enterrement du Premier Président de la République Démocratique, dans la terre de ses ancêtres au village de Singini, territoire de Tshéla dans le Bas-Congo.
En dépit de la douleur, Marie-Rose a su relever la tête et avec stoïcisme, elle s’est ouvert une autre page de son parcours pour marcher encore et encore de l’avant. C’est ainsi que :

  • Elle participa au baptême du navire de haute mer “MV Joseph Kasa-vubu” dans la ville d’Innoshima au Japon, le 10 Mai 1971.
  • Elle entre dans l’administration du territoire où elle reste du 20 Juillet 1972 au 29 Octobre 1977. Pendant cette période, elle assume tour à tour, les responsabilités de Bourgmestre (à l’époque Commissaire de Zone), des communes de la Gombe, de Masina et de Limete.
  • En 1977 elle est élue Conseillère de Zone de Limete: Mandat qu’elle n’exercera pas au profit de celui de Député conformément à la loi qui interdisait le cumul de fonctions.
  • En 1977 Elle est élue Député nationale à Kinshasa pour la circonscription de la Funa en même temps elle est élue présidente du groupe parlementaire chargée de l’environnement.
  • Elle est ensuite élue membre du Bureau de l’Assemblée Nationale et y exerce les fonctions de 2ème Secrétaire du Parlement Zaïrois entre 1977 et 1982.
  • Elle participa à la séance publique marquant la déchéance des 13 parlementaires, prélude à l’apparition inédite de l’opposition au pouvoir monopartite de la 2ème République de Mobutu.
  • Nommée Membre du Comité Central du Mouvement Populaire de la Révolution (MPR) en 1980, elle exercera deux mandats consécutifs de 5 ans chacun, jusqu’en 1990.
  • Sur convocation du chef du Parti, elle est présente à la N’Sele où Mobutu prononça le célèbre discours du 24 Avril 1990, au cours duquel il annonça la fin du Parti État et l’avènement du multipartisme qui devrait donner naissance à la 3ème République. Il s’en suivi une interminable transition!

C’est aussi elle qui en 1996, au décès de sa mère, organisa entièrement les obsèques de celle-ci. Ainsi, sa mère, Madame Hortense Kasavubu, née Ngoma Masunda, épouse du président Joseph Kasavubu, repose éternellement à Kangu dans le territoire de Lukula au Mayombe au Bas-Congo, terre de ses aïeuls.

En 1998, Madame Marie-Rose Kasavubu aura exprimé le prix qu’elle attache à leur honneur et la place de choix qu’elle réserve à ses parents, en posant, au cimetière privé de Mbata Pépé, une pierre tombale en GRANITE.

Dotée d’un sens de responsabilité inné, Marie-Rose a pris à bras le corps la direction des affaires familiales à la disparition de ses parents. Elle gère avec agilité et d’une manière pointilleuse la résidence de feu son père, le Président Joseph Kasavubu.

Dans la même optique, depuis le 25ème anniversaire de la mort de son père, elle initiera l’organisation annuelle des Messes d’Actions de Grâces à la mémoire de ses parents, longtemps et injustement ignorés. Une chose importante à noter est que ces messes sont toutes organisées par ses propres moyens financiers depuis les 13 années qu’elles ont lieu.

L’un des fruits à mettre à l’actif de ces messes est qu’elles ont attiré l’attention de l’actuel Chef de l’Etat, Joseph Kabila Kabange, qui décidera la construction d’un mausolée (en forme hélicoïdale). Ce mausolée fait la fierté de notre peuple qui voit enfin la justice rendue à ce fils cher, honoré par le plus jeune de ses successeurs à la tête de l’Etat Congolais.

Dans la foulée deux monuments seront érigés en mémoire du président Joseph Kasavubu, l’un dans la ville de Kinshasa et le second à Boma, lieu du décès de l’ancien Chef de l’Etat.

La mémoire de ses illustres parents, Marie-Rose la perpétuera au travers des milliers de magazines et pagnes imprimés à leurs effigies, comme pour les garder vivants dans le souvenir collectif, au grand dam des acteurs politique de mauvaise foi qui n’auraient pas soupçonnés la persévérance et le courage de Marie-Rose.

La propulsion de Madame Marie-Rose, le moteur de son action, sa combativité et le succès qui accompagnent chacune ses actions, elle le doit à son « fétiche »: Les valeurs que lui a transmis son illustre père. C’est ce qui explique que, comme son père, elle dit ce qu’elle fait et elle fait ce qu’elle dit. Ce qu’elle fait, elle l’accompli avec minutie et perfectionnisme. Jamais, de mémoire d’Homme, l’on se souviendra d’un projet entrepris par Marie-Rose et qui n’ait connu de succès.

Le Carnet d’Adresse de Marie-Rose

A tous les niveaux, Madame Marie-Rose compte des relations, et ce sur le plan national comme international.

Avant l’indépendance du Congo

Nous pouvons citer les personnalités ci-après :

  • Son Excellence Abbé Fulbert Youlou, Président de la République du Congo Brazzaville
  • Mr Tchitchele, Ministre du Gouvernement du Congo Brazzaville
  • Honorable Yambault, Député au Parlement du Congo Brazzaville.
  • Professeur Antoine A. Joseph Van Bilsen, Conseiller politique du Président Kasavubu. (Le Professeur Van Bilsen est l’auteur de nombreux ouvrages dont : « VERS L’INDEPENDANCE DU CONGO ET DU RUANDA URUDI paru en 1958, et du projet « PLAN DE TRENTE ANS POUR LA CREATION D’UN ETAT INDEPENDANT DU CONGO-BELGE»; il a été le tuteur de Marie-Rose Kasavubu pendant son bref séjour en Belgique).
  • Père Ekwa, père spirituel de Marie-Rose pendant ses études à l’institut Berlaymont, à Bruxelles.

Pendant la Première République 1960-1965

A cette époque, Madame Marie-Rose entretint des relations étroites et amicales avec de nombreuses personnalités dont :

  • Mr Justin Marie Bomboko, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères et son épouse, Madame Suzanne, 1960-1963.
  • Monsieur Hubert Sangara, Grand Chef Coutumier de Muavu au Kivu et Président de Air-Congo et SABENA, 1961.
  • Mr Joseph lIeo Songo Amba, Premier Ministre et son épouse, madame Elissa Mbongo, 1961.
  • Mr Cyril Adoula, Premier Ministre et son épouse, Madame Astrid, 1961-1964.
  • Le Colonel Joseph Désiré Mobutu, Chef d’Etat-major Général et Commandant en chef de l’Armée Nationale Congolaise (l’ANC) et son épouse, Madame Marie-Antoinette Gbiatene, 1962.
  • Mr Marcel Lengema , Secrétaire Général des Affaires Etrangères, en 1963.
  • Son Excellence Massamba Deba, Président de la République du Congo Brazzaville, 1963.
  • Mr Moise Tchombe, Premier Ministre, 1964-1965.
  • Mr Godefroid Munongo, Ministre de l’Intérieur, 1964-1965.
  • Mr Foster Manzikala, Gouverneur de Kibali Ituri, 1964-1967.
  • Mr Cléophas Kamitatu, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères, 1965.
  • Mr Alphonse Zamundu, Ministre de l’agriculture, 1965 – 1966.
  • Monsieur Diallo Telli, Secrétaire Général de l’Organisation de l’Unité Africaine (OUA).
  • Son Excellence, Kuame Nkrumah, Président de la République du Ghana, 1965.

Pendant la Deuxième République 1965-1996 (République du Zaïre)

  • Mr Litho Moboti, ministre de l’agriculture.
  • Mr Kengo Wa Dondo, Procureur Général de la République.
  • Son Excellence Marien Ngouabi, Président de la République du Congo Brazzaville. (Madame Marie-Rose eut le privilège de l’accueillir au port fluvial « Beach Ngobila » de Kinshasa).
  • Son Excellence Omar Bongo, Président de la République du Gabon en visite officielle à Kinshasa.
  • Son Excellence Ahmed Sekou Toure, Président de la République de Guinée Conakry. (Madame Marie-Rose eut le privilège de l’accueillir au port fluvial « Beach Ngobila » de Kinshasa).
  • Son Excellence Antonio Agostinho Neto, Président de la République d’Angola (lors de sa visite officielle à Kinshasa).
  • Son Excellence Keneth Kaunda, Président de la République de Zambie (lors de sa visite officielle à Kinshasa).
  • Son Excellence Amadou Ahidjo, Président de la République du Cameroun (lors de sa visite officielle à Kinshasa).
  • Son Excellence Valery Giscard d’Estaing Président de la République Française et Madame, (accueillis à l’Hôtel de Ville avec le Gouverneur N’Djoku Eyo Baba et le Ministre des Affaires Etrangères Nguz A Karl I Bond).
  • Mr Léo Tindemans, Ministre des Affaires Etrangères du Royaume de Belgique, (accueilli à l’Hôtel de ville avec le gouverneur N’djoku Eyo Baba et le Ministre des Affaires étrangères Nguz A Karl I Bond).
  • L’empereur Jean Bedel Bokassa de la République Centre Africaine. (Marie-Rose fut chargée de son accueil au cours de sa visite officielle au Zaïre à l’occasion d’inaugurer la chaîne de montage de l’usine Chevrolet à Kinshasa (Masina). Madame Marie-Rose était à cette époque Commissaire de Zone de Masina).

En octobre 1978, aux obsèques de l’épouse du Président Mobutu, la regrettée Marie Antoinette Gbiatene Mobutu, Marie-Rose fut la Dame d’honneur et de compagnie à Gbadolite pour d’illustres personnages dont :

  • Mesdames Senghor de la République du Sénégal et Yombi Opango de la République du Congo Brazzaville ainsi que la Princesse Paola du Royaume de Belgique.
  • Son Excellence William Tolbert, Président du Liberia; (Marie-Rose le rencontre au Building Mansion au Liberia, Monrovia, 1978).
  • Mr Abee Tolbert, fils du Président du Liberia en visite au Zaïre. (Marie-Rose fut chargée de son accueil), 1978.

Elle est à la tête de deux délégations parlementaires qu’elle conduit aux 33ème et 34ème Sessions de l’Assemblée Générale de l’Organisation des Nations Unies, à New York. (Elle le fait en sa qualité de 2ème Secrétaire du Parlement Zaïrois), respectivement en 1978 et 1979.

  • Son Excellence Gnassingbe Eyadema, Président de la République du Togo (lors de ses visites officielles à Kinshasa, Gemena et Gbadolite en 1979).
  • Son Excellence Denis Sassou Nguesso, Président de la République du Congo Brazzaville ainsi que son épouse, Madame Antoinette Sassou Nguesso (lors de leur visite d’amitié au Zaïre en 1979).
  • Son Excellence Fidel Castro, Président de Cuba. (Madame Marie-Rose fait partie de la délégation officielle qui participe à la Havane au 6ème sommet des Chefs d’Etat à la Conférence des Pays non-Alignés, délégation conduite par Monsieur lIeo Songo Amba, président de l’assemblée nationale. C’est en marge de ce sommet que Marie-Rose a le privilège de rencontrer le Chef de l’Etat Cubain, qui vint personnellement les accueillir à l’aéroport de la Havane), 1979.
  • Son Excellence Arap Moi, Président de la République du Kenya. (La rencontre se fait au Palais Présidentiel à Nairobi, où elle séjourne en délégation officielle, 1980).
  • La première Ministre Indira Gandhi de l’Inde (lors du voyage officiel à New Dehli, 1980).
  • Le premier Ministre Chou En Lai, (lors de la visite officielle en République Populaire de Chine, à Pékin en 1980).
  • Son Excellence Deng Xiao Ping, Président de la République Populaire de Chine. (Marie-Rose est dans la suite présidentielle, pendant la visite officielle à Pékin, en Chine 1980).
  • Sa Sainteté Le pape Jean Paul II (lors de sa première visite officielle à Kinshasa, en 1980).
  • Son Excellence Abdou Diouf, Président de la République du Sénégal (Elle le rencontre au Palais du Peuple de Kinshasa 1982).
  • Madame Bobi Ladawa, épouse du Président Mobutu (Elle la rencontre au Palais du Peuple de Kinshasa en 1982).
  • Sa Sainteté Le pape Jean Paul II (lors de sa deuxième visite officielle à Kinshasa, en 1985).
  • Sa Sainteté Le pape Jean Paul II (lors d’une visite privée au Vatican, en 1989).
  • Madame Edith Bongo, épouse du Président Omar Bongo du Gabon (la rencontre a lieu à Libreville, au palais de la rénovation en 1991).
  • Madame Oliver Thambo, épouse du fondateur de l’African National Congress ANC, (les deux personnages se rencontrent à Johannesburg en 1992).
  • Mr Paul Mees Chancelier de l’Ambassade de Belgique à Kinshasa (Elle le rencontre à Kinshasa en 1992).

Madame Marie-Rose ainsi que sa mère, Madame Hortense Kasavubu, ont été les invitées du Gouvernement congolais à la Conférence Nationale « Souveraine » qui eut lieu au Palais du Peuple de Kinshasa en 1992. Marie-Rose se présenta à la Conférence juste pour délivrer le message de sa mère, Madame Hortense Kasavubu qui elle, y était invitée pour toute la durée de la conférence, par le HCR-PT.

Pendant la Troisième République à nos Jours (En passant par la transition, 1997)

De cette époque, l’on retiendra un certain nombre d’activités et actions entreprises par Madame Marie-Rose, notamment :

Le lancement du site web, en 1999.

La création le 24 Mars 1999, de l’Association sans but lucratif dénommée « ŒUVRES DU PRESIDENT KASA-VUBU » (OPK), dont la vision première est de pérenniser l’action du Président Kasavubu. L’OPK, pour réaliser sa vision, entreprend l’impression des pagnes (wax), des calendriers, t-shirts, vernissages et calicots, avec effigie du Président Kasavubu.

La rencontre en 2002 avec Son Excellence Joseph Kabila Kabange, Président de la République Démocratique du Congo, Chef de l’Etat.

En 2003, elle devient Députée Nationale à l’époque du Gouvernement de Transition. En même temps, elle est désignée Présidente du Groupe Parlementaire de la Famille Politique du Chef de l’Etat pour la province du Bas-Congo.

La fondation le 04 Juin 2005 de son parti politique « Organisation Politique des Kasavubistes et Alliées », OPEKA en sigle.

En 2006, Madame Marie-Rose a été candidate aux élections législatives dans la ville de Kinshasa pour le compte de l’Alliance pour la Majorité Présidentielle (AMP), dans les communes de Bandalungwa, Bumbu, Kalamu, Kasa-Vubu, Makala, Ngiri-Ngiri et Selembao.

Sous la recommandation des Chefs Coutumiers du Bas-Fleuve, Madame Marie-Rose s’est présentée aux élections législatives de 2011.

Elle a tout récemment été invitée aux assises des Concertations Nationales souhaitées par le Chef de l’Etat et tenues à Kinshasa en 2013.

Madame Marie-Rose a eu à collaborer avec divers responsables et décideurs de notre pays, dans presque toutes les institutions. Nous citerons les cas des gouverneurs de la ville de Kinshasa, respectivement sous la direction de Mr N’djoku Eyo Baba et Mr Sakombi Inongo Dominique.

Au parlement, elle n’a pas eu de mal a collaborer avec les présidents respectifs, à savoir Mr Boboliko Lokonga, Mr lIeo Songo Amba et Mr Nzondomio Adokpe Lingo.

Au gouvernement avec les Ministres des affaires politiques et intérieures :

Mr Bulundwe Kitongo Penge Mali, Mr Engulu Banga Mpongo et Mr Kithima Bin ramazani.

Engagement Spirituel

Catholique pratiquante et fervente, Madame Marie-Rose est une fidèle assidue. Comme conséquence, elle finira par attirer l’attention et l’admiration des responsables religieux de tous bords. Ainsi :

Elle fut très écoutée par feu le Cardinal Etsaou Bamonguabi archevêque de Kinshasa ainsi que par le Clergé Catholique dans son ensemble.

Mr Diangienda Kuntima Joseph (Chef Spirituel de l’Eglise Kimbanguiste et ami personnel du Président Joseph Kasavubu pour le combat spirituel à l’orée des indépendances), lui prêtait, de son vivant, une oreille attentive, sans oublier Mr Kisolokele Charles, fils ainé du Prophète Simon Kimbangu et Ministre d’Etat durant la Première République de 1960 à 1965.

Ceci explique, qu’en Octobre 1980, Mr Diangienda Kuntima Joseph, invitera personnellement Madame Marie-Rose Kasavubu à l’inauguration de la Cité Sainte de NKAMBA.

Invitée Spéciale, elle le sera encore lors des célébrations de l’anniversaire du Prophète Simon Kimbangu, par Mr Simon Kimbangu Kiangani.

Philanthrope, et militante des bonnes causes, Madame Marie-Rose est une Bienfaitrice et donatrice discrète des Centres caritatifs. « Elle donne de la main Droite, sans que la main Gauche ne s’en rende compte! »

Ce que l’on retient du Président Kasavubu

« L’homme du quatre janvier 1959 », comme on aime à le rappeler, est le Père de l’indépendance de notre pays et notre premier Président.

Son Excellence, feu Joseph Kasavubu a laissé un héritage des plus exemplaires, pour ne pas dire unique dans le monde politique africain. Désintéressé par les biens matériels, l’Homme a démontré par des actes, la différence qu’il faisait entre les biens de l’Etat et les siens propres.

Homme intègre dans toutes ses voies, son abnégation et son dévouement pour la cause de la patrie se résument dans cette phrase qu’il écrivit à l’un des responsables de la rédaction de la loi fondamentale de la République Démocratique du Congo, nous citons : « faites une Constitution pour le pays et non une Constitution pour le Président que je suis car le « Président » passera mais la République demeurera à l’éternité ! » Cette phrase pleine de significations, il l’adressa nommément à Mr ‘Ileo Songo Amba’, alors chargé d’écrire la Constitution de Luluabourg et qui aurait eu l’intention d’introduire dans le budget, des clauses qui rendraient au Président de la République des « faveurs » en dehors de ses émoluments officiels.

Pour Conclure

Si le Président Kasa-vubu pouvait finir de transmettre à sa progéniture que nous représentons, le dépôt des ressources que regorgeait son cœur, la République Démocratique du Congo ne serait plus réduit à ce jour, à combattre les « antivaleurs! »

Les congolais ont sans doute scié la branche sur laquelle ils étaient assis. Cependant, le tronc de l’arbre « KASA-VUBU » demeure et, il a bourgeonné!

Marie-Rose Kasavubu est ce bourgeon qui a répliqué la branche que des inconscients ont sciée.

En Marie-Rose, Kasavubu reste vivant, et le Congo peut compter sur elle.

« Le Président est mort, vive le Président! »

© Christian De Buck Kiatazabu 2014

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